A Brief Message

What were Maya Sagi Grossman’s first two Action Items (in What-I’ve Learned from-My First Month at a Startup) after joining Colu as Director Marketing and doing her homework?

  • Wrote a new communication brief (about us, mission, vision, messaging).
  • Used this copy to update our website, the app and marketing materials.

Yes! I love those kind of Marketing Directors!

How many Marketing Directors out there know (or knew) that this kind of exercise was the call of the hour, but were told it was a “waste of time,” or “our technology is so great it explains itself”… or worse. Did you do it anyway? Some of us did. Some of us couldn’t. But we got the job done, trying to eke out a unified message any way we could. Stay tuned for all the ways we did (with all the juicy details).